Brexit and EU foreign policy No 70, 2020/4 - 206 pagesBrexit and EU foreign policyPages 8 to 17The Impact of Brexit on the EU foreign policyBy Delphine Deschaux-Dutard, Christian LequesnePages 18 to 39Untying the knot: Brexit and administrative disintegration in CFSP and CSDP structuresBy Daniel SchadePages 40 to 69The relaunch of the European defense project beyond state controlBy Fabien TerpanPages 70 to 93Brexit and foreign policy discourses. An analysis of French and German governmental discourses around European Defence Policy since 2016By Delphine Deschaux-DutardPages 94 to 115Italy in the EU after Brexit: carrying through or taking a bet?By Lorenzo Cladi, Andrea LocatelliPages 116 to 142Poland's security policy in the context of Brexit: Bilateral, multilateral or flexilateral?By Amélie ZimaPages 144 to 165Same Challenge, Different Answers? Mapping out Brexit Challenges for Czech and Slovak EU Policy-MakingBy Monika Brusenbauch MeislováPages 166 to 191‘Carry On, Global Britain’: Recrafting Post-BrexitBy Amelia HadfieldReadingsPages 194 to 197Jean-Claude Barbier (ed.). Un retour des nations en Europe ? Réflexions sur la crise politique de l’Union européenne, Paris, La Documentation Française, 2018, 235 pages.By Magali GravierPages 198 to 203Dieter Plehwe, Quinn Slobodian, Philip Mirowski (eds), Nine Lives of Neoliberalism, Londres, Verso, 2020, 347 pages.By Roberto Ventresca