Europe in transparency Translating a slogan into public policiesNo 61, 2018/3 - 226 pagesSpecial report: Europe in transparencyPages 8 to 43Transparency as a new horizon for European democraciesBy Cécile RobertPages 44 to 77Translating transparency at national levelsBy Jana VargovčíkováPages 78 to 113Regulating lobbying by the law in FranceBy Guillaume Courty, Marc MiletPages 114 to 141The European Ombudsman, champion of transparencyBy Hélène MichelPages 142 to 173Twenty-five years of access to documents in the Council of the EUBy Maarten HillebrandtPages 174 to 210Transparency data and registers: instruments of government or scandal machines?By Cécile RobertReviewsPages 212 to 217Marc Milet, Théorie critique du lobbying. L’Union européenne de l’artisanat et des PME et la revendication des petites et moyennes entreprises, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2017, 258 pages.By Anne GuissetPages 218 to 223Vaughan-Williams Nick, Europe’s Border Crisis. Biopolitical Security and Beyond, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015, 178 pages.By Juliette Dupont